Graduate Students in Nonlinear and Chaotic Dynamical Systems

Applications are invited for qualified Graduate Students in Nonlinear and Chaotic Spatio-Temporal Dynamical Systems at the Technion.

Positions are available for students interested in obtaining a MSc/PhD in the groundbreaking interdisciplinary domains of ‘fluid-structure interaction’ [FSI] and ‘nano-electro-mechancial systems [NEMS].

Specific topics of interest include:

  1. spatio-temporal chaos in rigid-body and continuum systems subject to vortex-induced vibration [VIV],
  2. suppression of aeroelastic instabilities in lighter-than-air systems [LTAS] subject to extreme environmental conditions,
  3. local and global bifurcations in nonlinear thermo-visco-elastic micro/nano-resonator arrays that are subject to laser irradiation,
  4. nonlinear dynamics, orbital stability and control of magnetic resonance force microscopy [MRFM].

This theoretical program in the Nonlinear and Chaotic Dynamics Systems Group incorporates both analytical multiple-scale asymptotics and  numerical bifurcation analysis for the weakly and strongly nonlinear regimes, respectively.

The candidate must have a BSc/MSc degree obtained recently in any Engineering, Physics, or Applied Math programs. A strong background in fluid/wave mechanics, OR dynamical systems, OR mathematical physics is recommended.

Please contact Prof. Oded Gottlieb for additional details.